Compliance and Integrity


The directors, officers, and employees of LogistiQ Xpeditors Ltd (LXGlobal) are committed to compliance with the anti-corruption laws of all countries and territories in which we operate or market products. LXGlobal management continues to believe that the way we achieve results is as important as the results themselves.

LXGlobal's culture of compliance is embedded in our management system.

The Ethics Policy requires our directors, officers, and employees to comply with all applicable laws and to record all transactions accurately in our books and records.

The Gifts and Entertainment Policy, Political Activities Policy, and International Operations Policy address related topics.

The purpose of this Compliance Policy is to familiarize you with the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act ("FCPA"), and the principal global anti-corruption conventions that apply to our businesses. Every employee is expected to comply with applicable policies, guideĀ­lines, and procedures described in the following pages, and to consult with his or her supervisor and the Law Department whenever there is a question about the legality of an action to be taken by or on behalf of LXGlobal.